Consider the following systme of euqtions:

y >_ 2x -6

y < 5x + 2

Describe ho you could determine wheater((5, 2) is a solution to the system of inequalitie

To determine whether (5, 2) is a solution to the system of inequalities, we need to substitute the values of x = 5 and y = 2 into the two inequalities and check if both are satisfied.

1. Substitute x = 5 and y = 2 into y ≥ 2x - 6:
2 ≥ 2(5) - 6
2 ≥ 10 - 6
2 ≥ 4

Since 2 is greater than or equal to 4, this inequality is not satisfied.

2. Substitute x = 5 and y = 2 into y < 5x + 2:
2 < 5(5) + 2
2 < 25 + 2
2 < 27

Since 2 is less than 27, this inequality is satisfied.

Therefore, (5, 2) is not a solution to the system of inequalities because it does not satisfy the first inequality.