Biodiversity Unit Test

I just need the answer on this, the others ones I already did.

Given this information, in three to five sentences, describe one (nonplant) organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service for this system and describe one ecosystem service that you benefit from due to your local ecosystem that is probably not available on Mars.

Please help if you can.

nvm i already did it lol

when i finish it i will post the answers her

Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fungi!

One nonplant organism that could contribute to an important ecosystem service is the bee. Bees are essential pollinators that play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants. They transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, allowing plants to produce fruits and seeds. This ecosystem service provided by bees is vital for food production, as it enables the growth of many crops that depend on pollination.

As for an ecosystem service that you benefit from due to your local ecosystem but is probably not available on Mars, let's talk about water. One of the essential services provided by local ecosystems is the natural purification and filtration of water. Wetlands, rivers, and groundwater systems help remove pollutants and purify the water we use for drinking and other daily activities. Unfortunately, Mars doesn't have the same abundance of water or natural filtration processes, making it unlikely to have the same ecosystem service available there.

To answer the first part of the question, you need to identify a non-plant organism that can contribute to an important ecosystem service. First, think about the ecosystem service this system might need, such as pollination, decomposition, or nutrient cycling. Then, consider organisms that perform these functions. For example, bees are important pollinators that contribute to the ecosystem service of pollination. You could describe how bees play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants and the production of fruits and seeds.

To answer the second part of the question, you need to think about an ecosystem service you benefit from in your local ecosystem that is unlikely to be available on Mars. Start by considering the unique characteristics of your local ecosystem. This could be something like clean drinking water, climate regulation, or recreational opportunities. For example, if you live near a freshwater lake, you could describe how you benefit from clean drinking water and recreational activities like swimming and fishing. Since Mars lacks liquid water, these ecosystem services would not be available there.

Remember to provide three to five complete sentences for each part of the question and ensure your responses align with the specific requirements and context provided in your class materials.

1. Grasshopper

2. Birds
3. It breeds rapidly and has no predators in this environment
4. They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria
5. The coral is susceptible to starvation
6. Coral reef
7. Tourism
8. Keystone species
9. The compost pile contained incorrect amounts of "greens" and "browns"
10. Nitrogen
11. Composting scraps
You do the rest on you're own!! good luck, and you're welcome :-)!

i hope help you

pls help pls pls pls