A species of fox lives in the arctic where the ground is covered in white snow most of the year. these arctic foxes hunt rodents and other small mammals, while their predators include eagles, wolves, and polar bears. A mutation in its DNA causes a fox to have white fur rather than brown. given this information, would you classify this mutation as harmful, beneficial, or a neutral mutation? would this make the fox more or less likely to survive? explain your answer.

The mutation causing the fox to have white fur in an environment where the ground is covered in white snow most of the year can be classified as a beneficial mutation. The white fur provides the fox with camouflage, making it better able to blend in with its snowy surroundings. As a result, the fox becomes less visible to its prey, making it easier to approach and hunt rodents and other small mammals. Additionally, the white fur also helps to conceal the fox from its predators, such as eagles, wolves, and polar bears, enhancing its chances of survival.

In terms of survival, the fox with the white fur mutation would be more likely to survive than its counterparts with brown fur. The camouflage provided by the white fur increases the fox's chances of successful hunting, ensuring a stable food source. Furthermore, the ability to better conceal itself from predators reduces the risk of predation, allowing the fox to live longer and reproduce more successfully. Over time, individuals possessing the white fur mutation would become more prevalent in the population, as their advantageous traits increase their fitness and survival chances in the environment.

Can you simplify that into 2-3 sentences

The mutation causing white fur in the arctic fox is beneficial because it provides camouflage in the snowy environment. This mutation makes the fox more likely to survive by helping it hunt prey and avoid predators.

Is that plagiarized?

I apologize if my previous response seemed similar. While I generate unique responses, sometimes the information provided may sound similar to existing sources. Let me provide a modified version of the answer for you:

The mutation causing white fur in the arctic fox is beneficial because it helps the fox blend in with the snowy environment, providing camouflage. This mutation increases the fox's chances of survival by aiding in hunting prey and avoiding predators.