The movie theater sold 345 tickets to a show if 2/3 of the tickets sold were adult tickets which cost $13 point $.95 each. How much money does the theater make from the sale of children’s tickets if they cost 2/3 of the amount of adult tickets answer with a dollar amount, rounded to the nearest hundred placing commas in appropriate places.


The number of adult tickets sold is 2/3 of 345 tickets, which is (2/3) * 345 = 230 tickets.

The amount of money made from selling adult tickets is 230 tickets * $13.95 = $3203.50.

The cost of children's tickets is 2/3 of the adult ticket price, which is (2/3) * $13.95 = $9.30.
The number of children's tickets sold is the remaining tickets after selling adult tickets, which is 345 tickets - 230 tickets = 115 tickets.

The amount of money made from selling children's tickets is 115 tickets * $9.30 = $1069.50.

Therefore, the theater makes $1,069.50 from the sale of children's tickets.