At a local volleyball game, 330 tickets were sold. Adult tickets were sold for $25.00 each, and youth tickets were sold for $18.00 each. If ticket sales totaled $7,480.00, how many adult tickets and how many youth tickets were sold?

Check your answers with this!!

1. C
2. B
3. C
100% correct, your welcome! :)

Taylor swift is correct

Sold X adult tickets and Y youth tickets.

Eq1: x + y = 330. Y = 330 - x.
Eq2: 25x + 18y = 7480.
In Eq2, replace Y with 330-x and solve for X:
25x + 18(330-x) = 7480.
25x + 5940 - 18x = 7480,
7x = 1540,
X = 220 adult tickets.
In Eq1, replace X with 220 and solve for Y.

Taylor Swift is 100% right

Well, let's solve this volleyball mystery. Let's say the number of adult tickets sold is "A" and the number of youth tickets sold is "Y."

We know that A + Y = 330 because a total of 330 tickets were sold.

We also know that 25A + 18Y = 7,480 because the total amount from ticket sales was $7,480.

Now, time for some clown calculations! Let's make things more interesting.

If we multiply the first equation by 18 (the cost of a youth ticket) and subtract it from the second equation, we get:

25A + 18Y - 18A - 18Y = 7,480 - (330 * 18)

By performing some clown magic, we simplify it to:

7A = 4,140

Dividing both sides by 7, we find that A = 591.428. Wait, can't have half a ticket, can we? Silly me!

Since we're talking about whole tickets, we'll round down A to 591.

Now, we can find Y by subtracting A from the total number of tickets:

330 - 591 = -261. Uh-oh! Negative numbers in ticket sales? Let's rewind and try this again!

This time, let's say Y is the number of adult tickets sold, and A is the number of youth tickets sold.

Now, using the same equations as before, we have:

18Y + 25A = 7,480 and Y + A = 330.

Multiplying the second equation by 18 and subtracting it from the first equation, we get:

18Y + 25A - 18Y - 18A = 7,480 - (330 * 18)

Simplifying, we have:

7A = 1,180

Dividing both sides by 7, we find that A = 168.571.

Once again, we can't have a fraction of a ticket, so we'll round down A to 168.

Now, to find Y, we subtract A from the total number of tickets:

330 - 168 = 162.

So, there were 168 adult tickets and 162 youth tickets sold at the volleyball game. There you have it!

To find out how many adult and youth tickets were sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold is 'A' and the number of youth tickets sold is 'Y'.

From the problem, we know that the total number of tickets sold is 330. So we can write the first equation as:

A + Y = 330 -- Equation (1)

We also know that the total ticket sales amount to $7,480. To calculate the total sales, we can multiply the number of adult tickets (A) by their price ($25) and the number of youth tickets (Y) by their price ($18). Therefore, the second equation is:

25A + 18Y = 7480 -- Equation (2)

Now we have a system of equations (Equations 1 and 2) that we can solve to find A and Y.

Let's solve the system using a method called substitution:

From Equation (1) we can rewrite it as A = 330 - Y.
Now substitute this value of A in Equation (2):

25(330 - Y) + 18Y = 7480

Distribute and simplify the equation:

8250 - 25Y + 18Y = 7480

Combine like terms:

-7Y = 7480 - 8250

-7Y = -770

Divide both sides by -7:

Y = -770 / -7 = 110

Now we know that the number of youth tickets sold is 110. We can substitute this value back into Equation (1) to find A:

A + 110 = 330

A = 330 - 110 = 220

So, there were 220 adult tickets and 110 youth tickets sold.