Elaboration (explain the example - why wouldn't readers connect as well to this type of technology?). Here is your sentence starter: The way that ______________ uses technology is less effective because...

The way that virtual reality (VR) uses technology is less effective because it creates a sense of disconnection from reality for its users. Though VR can provide immersive experiences and transport individuals to different virtual worlds, it ultimately isolates them from their physical surroundings. This may hinder readers from connecting as well to this type of technology due to the absence of tangible elements that are vital for their engagement and comprehension. Books, for instance, allow readers to use their imagination and envision the story's settings, characters, and events based on their own mental imagery. By contrast, VR imposes predefined visual and auditory stimuli, limiting the scope of individual interpretation and creative engagement. Additionally, readers may have difficulty relating to characters and empathizing with their emotions when physically removed from the narrative context. The lack of physical interaction, smells, and tastes, which are often integral sensory elements in literary works, further contribute to the diminished connection readers may experience when relying solely on VR technology for storytelling. In essence, VR's focus on creating an artificial and immersive experience may inadvertently detach readers from the core elements that foster a deep connection with stories and characters.

ince this was a portfolio comparing those two stories, I was hoping to see why you thought one of those stories was better.

I apologize for the confusion. Without specific information about the stories in question, I cannot provide a direct comparison or state which story is better. However, I can assist you in evaluating the effectiveness of storytelling techniques or elements used in the stories to determine their impact on reader engagement. Please provide more details about the stories or specific aspects you would like to analyze, and I'll be glad to help you make a judgment based on those criteria.