2. How do analogies help readers?

help readers analyze the relationship between words.
They help readers identify figurative language.
They help readers understand definitions.
They help readers to better comprehend a plot.

Analogies help readers in several ways:

1. Analyzing the relationship between words: Analogies compare two sets of words or ideas, highlighting the similarities and differences between them. This helps readers understand the relationship between different concepts, enhancing their critical thinking and analytical skills.

2. Identifying figurative language: Analogies often employ figurative language, such as similes or metaphors, to make comparisons. By recognizing these literary devices, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the text and appreciate the author's creativity.

3. Understanding definitions: Analogies can be used to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words or concepts by comparing them to something more familiar. This helps readers expand their vocabulary and grasp the intended definition.

4. Comprehending a plot: Analogies can be used to provide readers with a frame of reference or context, enabling them to better understand the progression of a story or the motivations of characters. This enhances overall comprehension and engagement with the text.