n Garland, Texas, it rained 4 2/5 in. on Monday. On Tuesday, it rained 0.03 in. less than on

5Monday. How much did it rain on Tuesday?
A. 3.37
B. 4.43
C. 4.52
D 4.37

To find out how much it rained on Tuesday, we need to subtract 0.03 inches from the amount it rained on Monday.

The amount it rained on Monday is 4 2/5 inches. To convert this mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (5) and add the numerator (2) to get the new numerator (4 * 5 + 2 = 22). The fraction becomes 22/5.

Subtracting 0.03 inches from 22/5 gives us (22/5) - (3/100) = (440/100) - (3/100) = 437/100.

To convert this fraction back to a decimal, we divide the numerator (437) by the denominator (100) to get 4.37.

Therefore, it rained 4.37 inches on Tuesday.

The answer is D. 4.37.