It rained 464 inches in the rain forest in the last two years. On average how much rain fell in one year.

To find the average amount of rain that fell in one year, we need to divide the total rainfall over the last two years by 2 (since we want the average for one year).

464 inches of rain / 2 = 232 inches of rain

Therefore, on average, 232 inches of rain fell in one year.

To find the average amount of rain that fell in one year, you need to divide the total amount of rain over the two years by the number of years.

In this case, the total amount of rain over the two years is 464 inches. Since we are looking for the average amount of rain in one year, we need to divide this by 2 because we have two years.

464 inches / 2 = 232 inches

Therefore, on average, 232 inches of rain fell in one year in the rainforest.

To find the average amount of rain that fell in one year, you need to divide the total rainfall over the two-year period by 2. In this case, the total rainfall is given as 464 inches. So, you would divide 464 by 2.

To calculate this, you can use the following formula:

Average Rainfall = Total Rainfall / Number of Years

In this case:

Average Rainfall = 464 inches / 2 = 232 inches

Therefore, the average amount of rain that fell in one year is 232 inches.