
It rained 464 inches in the rainforest in the last 2 years. On average, how much rain fell in 1 year?(1 point)

To find the average amount of rain that fell in 1 year, we divide the total amount of rain that fell in the last 2 years by 2.

Total amount of rain in 2 years = 464 inches
Average amount of rain in 1 year = 464 inches / 2 = 232 inches/year

To find the average amount of rain that fell in 1 year, you need to divide the total amount of rain in the last 2 years by 2 since we want the average for each year.

464 inches ÷ 2 = 232 inches/year

Therefore, on average, 232 inches of rain fell in 1 year.

To find the average amount of rain that fell in 1 year, you need to divide the total amount of rain that fell in the last 2 years by 2.

In this case, the total amount of rain that fell in the last 2 years is 464 inches.

To find the average, divide 464 inches by 2:

464 inches / 2 years = 232 inches/year

Therefore, on average, 232 inches of rain fell in 1 year.