11 marked whales

57 whales couted
8 marked whales counted
what is the best estimation for the population of the whales

To estimate the population of whales, we can use the proportion of marked whales to the total number of whales counted.

The proportion of marked whales to the total number of whales counted is 11 marked whales / 57 whales counted = 0.193 (rounded to 3 decimal places).

To estimate the population, we can set up a proportion:
0.193 (proportion of marked whales to total whales counted) = 11 (number of marked whales) / x (population size)

Cross-multiplying gives:
0.193 * x = 11

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.193:
x = 11 / 0.193

Calculating the result gives:
x ≈ 57.0

Therefore, the best estimation for the population of the whales is approximately 57.