Bio B Unit 7/8 Alternate Exam

1. Whale fins and bat wings are anatomically similar. Which of the following does this suggest about the animals?
Whales and bats move in the same way
Whales and bats have a common ancestry
Whales and bats have existed for the same amount of time
Whales and bats were once adapted to the same environment

The answer is B

Whales and bats have a common ancestry

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Which of the following conclusions about mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene is most consistent

with the statement in the box above?

Mutations are always beneficial.
Mutations are always rapidly occurring.
Mutations are the only way new species arise.
Mutations are an important mechanism for the evolution of new species.

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To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze the given information. The statement tells us that whale fins and bat wings are anatomically similar, meaning they have similar structures.

Now, let's consider the options provided:

1. Whales and bats move in the same way: This statement is not necessarily true just because their fins and wings are similar. Whales are adapted for swimming while bats are adapted for flying, so their modes of movement are different.

2. Whales and bats have a common ancestry: This statement is likely to be true. The fact that whales and bats have anatomical similarities implies a shared evolutionary history. These similarities are a result of common ancestry, where the ancestors of whales and bats had a similar anatomical structure that was then modified over time to suit their specific environments and lifestyles.

3. Whales and bats have existed for the same amount of time: This statement is not supported by the information provided. The similarity in their anatomy does not necessarily indicate that they have existed for the same duration.

4. Whales and bats were once adapted to the same environment: This statement is a possibility. The fact that their fins and wings share similarities implies that they may have been adapted to a common environment, such as a shared aquatic or aerial habitat, in the past.

Based on this analysis, the answer that best fits the given information is: "Whales and bats have a common ancestry." This explanation is supported by the anatomical similarities between their fins and wings, indicating a shared evolutionary history.