What does this story show about the Sioux people ?

The great Spirit was an important member of their tribe .
Women were responsible for the most difficult work in a village .
Women served as warriors as well as farmers .
They believed the Great Spirit was responsible for their well- being .

This story shows that the Sioux people believed in the importance of spirituality and the Great Spirit. They saw the Great Spirit as a significant member of their tribe, suggesting a strong connection to their spiritual beliefs and practices.

Additionally, the story highlights the important role that women played in the Sioux tribe. It mentions that women were responsible for the most difficult work in the village, indicating their strength and resilience. It also mentions that women served as warriors, challenging traditional gender roles and showing the valuable contributions made by women in the tribe.

Lastly, the story emphasizes the Sioux people's belief that the Great Spirit was responsible for their well-being. This suggests their deep faith and trust in their spiritual beliefs for their overall welfare.