there are 11 marked whales

there are 57 whales counted
and 8 marked whales counted
what would be the best estimate for the population

Based on the information provided, the best estimate for the population of whales would be 57.


Apologies for the incorrect response. To estimate the population of whales, we can use the concept of ratio and proportion.

The proportion can be set up as follows:
(11 marked whales) / (8 marked whales counted) = (57 total whales) / (x population estimate)

Simplifying the proportion:
11/8 = 57/x

To solve for x (population estimate), we can cross-multiply:
11x = 8 * 57
11x = 456
x = 456/11
x ≈ 41.45

Therefore, the best estimate for the population of whales would be approximately 41 or 42.