What does this story show about the Sioux people?

They believed the Great Sport was responsible for their well-being
Women served as warriors as well as farmers
Women were responsible for the most difficult work in a village
The Great Sport was an important member of their tribe

The story shows that the Sioux people believed in the Great Spirit, who they believed was responsible for their well-being. This suggests that they had a strong spiritual connection and belief system.

There is no mention in the story about women serving as warriors, so it does not show that women served as warriors.

It is mentioned in the story that women were responsible for the most difficult work in a village. This suggests that women played important roles in the day-to-day functioning and survival of the Sioux community.

Lastly, it does not specifically mention the Great Sport being an important member of their tribe. The term "Great Sport" is not commonly used in reference to the Sioux people, so it is difficult to determine its significance.