Use the poem to answer the question. Fast as a cheetah, I run through the field. The wind sings words of support. Name the three types of figurative language in the poem. Then, choose one example of figurative language and analyze the effect it has on the poem.

The three types of figurative language in the poem are simile, personification, and imagery.

One example of figurative language in the poem is the simile "Fast as a cheetah." This comparison between the speaker's speed and that of a cheetah creates a strong visual image in the reader's mind. It emphasizes the speaker's incredible swiftness, evoking a sense of awe and admiration. The cheetah's reputation as one of the fastest animals on Earth adds an element of both power and grace to the speaker's movement. This simile not only enhances the description of speed but also reinforces the idea of agility and vitality. Through this comparison, the poem effectively communicates the speaker's energy and determination as they sprint through the field.