total marked whales 10

total whales counted 89
total marked whales counted 8
what is the best estiment for the population of whales

The best estimate for the population of whales would be obtained using the method of mark and recapture. This method involves estimating the population size based on the ratio of marked whales to total whales counted in the first sample (10 marked whales out of 89 total whales) and the number of marked whales counted in the second sample (8 marked whales).

One common approach to estimate the population size using mark and recapture is the Lincoln-Petersen index. It assumes that the proportion of marked individuals in the second sample is equal to the proportion of marked individuals in the population.

Using this method, the estimated population size (N) can be calculated as:

N = (T1 × T2) / M

- T1 = Total whales counted in the first sample = 89
- T2 = Total whales counted in the second sample = ?
- M = Marked whales counted in the second sample = 8

Plugging in the known values:

N = (89 × T2) / 8

Since the number of whales counted in the second sample (T2) is not provided, the estimate for the population of whales cannot be determined accurately with the given information.