Solve for p

in the equation −16.284(p−14.27)=56.994
. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.(1 point)


negative 10.8



To solve for p in the equation −16.284(p−14.27)=56.994, we can start by distributing the −16.284 to both terms inside the parentheses:

−16.284p + 231.5548 = 56.994

Next, we can isolate the term with p by subtracting 231.5548 from both sides:

−16.284p = 56.994 - 231.5548

Simplifying, we have:

−16.284p = -174.5608

To solve for p, we can divide both sides of the equation by -16.284:

p = (-174.5608) / (-16.284)

Calculating the expression on the right side, we find:

p ≈ 10.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the correct answer is 10.7.

off by one decimal

Apologies for the error. Let's recalculate:

p = (-174.5608) / (-16.284)

p ≈ 10.7 (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the correct answer is 10.7.