solve for p in the equation -16.284 (p-14.27)=56.994

To solve for p in the equation -16.284(p - 14.27) = 56.994, we need to distribute -16.284 to (p - 14.27):

-16.284p + 232.9698 = 56.994

Next, subtract 232.9698 from both sides of the equation:

-16.284p = 56.994 - 232.9698

Simplify the right side:

-16.284p = -175.9758

Divide both sides of the equation by -16.284 to solve for p:

p = -175.9758 / -16.284

p ≈ 10.785

Therefore, the solution to the equation is p ≈ 10.785.