What did Asoka’s edicts/pillars proclaim?

Asoka's edicts/pillars proclaimed various messages and principles. They included:

1. Promotion of non-violence: Asoka stressed the importance of ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion towards all living beings. He rejected the use of force and also showed concern for the welfare of animals.

2. Tolerance and religious freedom: Asoka embraced religious pluralism and promoted religious tolerance. He encouraged his subjects to respect and tolerate all religions. He denoted his visits to sacred sites of multiple religions and patronized diverse religious sects.

3. Moral and ethical conduct: Asoka emphasized moral values such as truthfulness, kindness, and righteousness. He encouraged his subjects to practice a moral and righteous life.

4. Social welfare and public works: Asoka's edicts highlighted his commitment to social welfare and public works. He emphasized the necessity of providing healthcare, religious freedom, and support for the elderly, the poor, and the disabled.

5. Environmental protection: Asoka's edicts mention his concern for the environment and the conservation of forests. He discouraged deforestation and ordered the planting of trees.

6. Administration and justice: Asoka's edicts emphasized his efforts to ensure justice and good governance. He sought to promote fairness, equal treatment, and efficient administration throughout his empire.

Overall, Asoka's edicts proclaimed his vision of a just and compassionate society based on moral principles and ethical conduct.