Look at the picture. How does this picture show how Asoka changed after the Battle of Kalinga?

The pillars proclaimed the rule of law everyone must follow after the Battle of Kalinga.

The pillars proclaimed his victory at the Battle of Kalinga and his plan for a greater India.

The pillars proclaimed his regret at the bloodshed at the Battle of Kalinga and his conversion to Buddhism.

The pillars proclaimed his respect and honor for his ancestors and the Hindu god Ganesha who helped him win the Battle of Kalinga.

Choose which aspects of civilization scholars still have questions about for the Indus Valley civilization. Select all that apply.

kind of government

city planning

establishment of farming

reading their writing

reasons for disappearing

used weights and measurements

Why is the Bhagavad-Gita important to Hinduism?

It contains the ideas of the gurus.

It contains the history of the Indo-Aryans.

It contains the key Hindu beliefs.

It contains their ideas of dharma.

Why was Chandragupta Maurya's organization of his empire considered efficient?

His severe punishments for crimes were considered normal.

His taxes paid for a large army and his costly life style.

His envoys were sent on missions to neighboring kingdoms.

He controlled every village in his empire through bureaucracy.

Put the varnas in order, with those who have the highest status on top and those who have the lowest status on the bottom.





Match Siddhartha's actions that led him to the Middle Way.

life of suffering


life given to pleasures

There is 3 boxes that you have to drag the answers into, the boxes are, life with religious ascetics, life as Hindu prince, and meditating under Bodhi Tree

According to stories in the Vedas, scholars believe that the Indo-Aryans first lived as what?





Look at the picture. Which factor that helped Hinduism grow is represented by this picture?

flexibility in religious services

flexibility in new gods

guarantee of religious freedom

tolerance of other cultures

Unlike in the Maurya empire, people living in the Gupta empire had political rights and obligations, and were considered to be what?




Look at the map.

A map of the Indus Valley Civilization is shown. The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are both indicated on the map in their locations along the Indus River, which flows from the Himalayan Mountains to the Arabian Sea.

How did the location of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro contribute to their development?

Their location was near major trade routes.

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

Their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall.

Their location provided abundant natural resources and little need to trade.

Read the following excerpt from the Bhagavad-Gita.

“For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal [unending], ever-existing and primeval [ancient and original]. He is not slain [killed] when the body is slain.”

What central part of Hinduism does this quote illustrate?





Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Scholars believe that Indus Valley people used granaries to...
Store surplus crops
Make cloth from cotton
Hold religious ceremonies
defend their villages

Which of the following statements about modern Buddhism is accurate?

Buddhism is still widely practiced in India.

Few Buddhists live in Asia.

Most Buddhists live in monasteries.

More than two million Buddhists live in the United States.

According to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, what must be overcome to end suffering?

all forms of desire

all selfish desires


What strategy did Chandragupta use to conquer Magadha?

caused so much destruction that people were forced to flee

seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell

followed Buddhism's teachings and Magadha eventually surrendered

attacked the borders first, then the capital city

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

A popular form of literature during the Gupta empire was the fable, which was...
a type of poetry written in sankrit
based on the buddhist and hindu writings
the worlds first novel
a short story with a moral at the end

Look at the photograph.

A construction from the Guptas period is shown. It is a temple carved out of a massive, single piece of rock.

What development that occurred under the Guptas is illustrated by this image?

contributions to the decimal system

advances made in metallurgy

the renewed importance of Buddhism

advances in art and engineering


1. C
2. reading their writing, kind of government, reasons for dissapering
3. C
4. D
5. brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Suras
6. life with religious ascetics=life of suffering life as hindu prince=life given pleasures, and the last one in the las one
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. Store surplus crops
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. a short story with a moral at the end
17. D
18. The data about historic India that Scholars realized from The Vedas are the non secular beliefs and thoughts of the historic Indian people. I assume The Vedas have been a dependable supply of records due to the fact it consists of matters such as liturgical material, mythological accounts, Poems Prayers, And formulation regarded to be Sacred By The Verdict religion.
19. Hindus worship one Supreme Being known as Brahman although through distinctive names. This is due to the fact the peoples of India with many exclusive languages and cultures have understood the one God in their very own awesome way.
20. There are two mountains with massive rivers coming out of them. these river are necessary due to the fact if you make a contract subsequent to a river you will have water and fertile soil.
21. His achievements are that he grew to become a warring civilization into a peaceable one. this displays Buddhism due to the fact one of the beliefs of Buddhism is to now not damage different people. pls rewrite the big ones in ur own words

Ally<3 thx you thx you thx you so much for helping me I thought I was out of luck guys Ally<3 is right I took the test thx you again Ally<3

plz help!

the ttrue goat copied

Question 1: Look at the picture. How does this picture show how Asoka changed after the Battle of Kalinga?

To answer this question, closely examine the picture and identify any visual cues or symbols that may indicate Asoka's transformation. Pay attention to any changes in his appearance, surroundings, or actions that may suggest a change in behavior or beliefs. Consider the context of the Battle of Kalinga and how it impacted Asoka's reign. Compare the options provided and select the one that best aligns with the visual evidence presented in the picture.

1. C

2. reading their writing, kind of government, reasons for dissapering
3. C
4. D
5. brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Suras
6. life with religious ascetics=life of suffering life as hindu prince=life given pleasures, and the last one in the las one
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. Store surplus crops
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. a short story with a moral at the end
17. D
18. The data about historic India that Scholars realized from The Vedas are the non secular beliefs and thoughts of the historic Indian people. I assume The Vedas have been a dependable supply of records due to the fact it consists of matters such as liturgical material, mythological accounts, Poems Prayers, And formulation regarded to be Sacred By The Verdict religion.
19. Hindus worship one Supreme Being known as Brahman although through distinctive names. This is due to the fact the peoples of India with many exclusive languages and cultures have understood the one God in their very own awesome way.
20. There are two mountains with massive rivers coming out of them. these river are necessary due to the fact if you make a contract subsequent to a river you will have water and fertile soil.
21. His achievements are that he grew to become a warring civilization into a peaceable one. this displays Buddhism due to the fact one of the beliefs of Buddhism is to now not damage different people. pls rewrite the big ones in ur own words

A. The pillars proclaimed the rule of law everyone must follow after the Battle of Kalinga.

kind of government, city planning, establishment of farming, reading their writing, reasons for disappearing, used weights and measurements

D. It contains their ideas of dharma.

D. He controlled every village in his empire through bureaucracy.

Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Sudras

life of suffering, life as Hindu prince, meditating under Bodhi Tree

The Indo-Aryans first lived as hunters.

A. flexibility in religious services

A. citizens

Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops.

B. reincarnation

Store surplus crops

A. Buddhism is still widely practiced in India.

A. all forms of desire

B. seized the capital, and then the rest of the kingdom fell

a short story with a moral at the end

D. advances in art and engineering