What benefit does moving your arms, pumping opposition, have when power walking?

(1 point)

maintain balance
maintain balance
raise pulse
raise pulse
increase endurance
increase endurance
protect weak joints

All of the above responses are correct. Moving your arms and pumping them in opposition when power walking offers several benefits. It helps maintain balance by counteracting the swinging motion of the legs. This movement also raises the pulse, increasing cardiovascular activity and intensity during the workout. It boosts endurance by engaging additional muscle groups and increasing the overall energy expenditure. Additionally, using your arms can help protect weak joints, such as the knees, by providing support and reducing the impact on these areas.


I apologize for the confusion. Moving your arms and pumping them in opposition when power walking primarily helps maintain balance and increase endurance. While it may slightly raise the pulse, the primary purpose is to engage the upper body and contribute to a more effective and efficient walking motion. It does not directly protect weak joints.