Illustrate a visual representation showing a determined power walker. Show a figure mid-motion, composed in the act of power walking. Their arms should be swinging rhythmically in opposition to their legs, displaying the principle of 'pumping opposition'. Include in the scene: a set of scales tipping in balance to symbolize 'maintaining balance', a speeding heart icon to hint at 'raising pulse', a graphical depiction of a gas tank being filled to suggest 'increasing endurance', and a protective shield overlaying the figure’s joints referencing the 'protecting weak joints'. Please do not include any text.

What benefit does moving your arms, pumping opposition, have when power walking?

(1 point)

maintain balance

Oraise pulse

increase endurance

O protect weak joints

The benefit of moving your arms and pumping opposition while power walking is to:

- Maintain balance - By swinging your arms in opposition to your legs, you create a counterbalance that helps you stay upright and stable while walking quickly.
- Increase endurance - Incorporating your upper body movements into power walking engages additional muscles, leading to a higher calorie burn and increased overall endurance.
- Raise pulse - The pumping motion of your arms can contribute to elevating your heart rate, resulting in a more intense cardiovascular workout.
- Protect weak joints (possibly) - While not a direct benefit, the movement of your arms can potentially help distribute the impact of walking on your joints, particularly if you have weak or vulnerable joints.