The story of “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. A critical response is a literary analysis of the elements of a story. It involves identifying the literary elements (i.e. characterization) and analyzing how the author used these techniques to create meaning.

Body Paragraphs (TEA or CEA method)
Please write in complete sentences. Body Paragraph #2- Conflict.
Evidence: Integrate a quote that shows the CONFLICT in the story.
Citation: To cite your source, put the author's last name and the page number where you found the quote in parentheses at the END of the quote.
Example- (Vonnegut 2)

Body Paragraph #2:

One of the main conflicts in "Harrison Bergeron" is the conflict between the individual and society. This conflict is made evident through the imposition of handicaps on the citizens in order to maintain equality. The story states, "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else" (Vonnegut 2). This quote illustrates the conflict between the individual's potential and the society's desire for uniformity. By equalizing everyone's abilities, society attempts to suppress any form of individuality or uniqueness. The conflict arises when individuals like Harrison Bergeron try to rise above these limitations and show their true potential. This highlights the tension between the individual's desire for self-expression and society's need for conformity.