Give reasons why Amos was referred to as a prophet of God's Justice.

1. Amos boldly proclaimed God's message of justice: Amos was not afraid to confront the injustices and social inequalities prevalent in his time. He fearlessly challenged the Israelites for their mistreatment of the poor and marginalized, as well as their exploitation of others. His words emphasized the importance of social justice and the need for righteousness in society.

2. Amos exposed the exploitation of the vulnerable: Amos condemned the oppressive practices of the wealthy and powerful, who took advantage of the poor and deprived them of their rights. He strongly denounced those who oppressed widows, orphans, and foreigners, advocating for their fair treatment and warning of God's judgment against those who continued to exploit the vulnerable.

3. Amos called for ethical integrity: Throughout his prophecies, Amos emphasized the significance of ethical conduct. He exposed the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and challenged their superficial religiosity. Amos urged the people to embrace a genuine relationship with God, one that is rooted in justice and righteousness, rather than mere religious rituals.

4. Amos predicted divine judgment: As a prophet, Amos warned of the impending consequences of the Israelites' injustices. He proclaimed God's judgment and the punishment that would befall them if they did not repent and change their ways. Amos highlighted the importance of God's justice, declaring that their actions would not go unnoticed or unpunished.

5. Amos demonstrated unwavering commitment to God's message: Despite facing opposition, ridicule, and rejection, Amos remained faithful to his calling as a prophet. He tirelessly spoke out against injustice, even when it was unpopular and made him an outcast. His dedication and commitment to delivering God's message of justice earned him the title of a prophet of God's justice.