1. Explain the multiple causes and motives for European exploration. WRITE A PARAGRAPH

2. thank you for your help i hope you have a wonderful day

1. The European exploration of the 15th and 16th centuries was driven by various causes and motives. One important factor was the desire to find new trade routes to Asia. At the time, European powers relied heavily on trade with the East, particularly for valuable goods like spices and silks. However, the existing routes, which involved traveling overland or by sea around Africa, were long and dangerous. Explorers hoped to find a faster and safer route by sailing westward across the Atlantic. Additionally, the Renaissance spirit of inquiry and curiosity led many Europeans to seek knowledge about the wider world. They wanted to expand their geographic understanding and scientific knowledge through exploration. Furthermore, religious motives played a significant role. European countries, such as Spain and Portugal, were fervently Catholic and saw exploration as an opportunity to spread Christianity to newly discovered lands. Overall, these multiple causes and motives propelled European explorers to venture into the unknown, ultimately reshaping the world and expanding Europe's global influence.

2. You're welcome! Thank you for your kind words. I hope you have a wonderful day too!