8(x+9)=144 as a real-life situation as a inverse operation

One possible real-life situation could be calculating the number of cookies needed for a bake sale.

Let's say you are baking cookies for a charity event and each cookie costs $8. You have already baked a certain amount of cookies (represented by x) and you need to calculate how many more cookies you need to reach a total of 144 cookies, in order to meet your goal.

Using the equation 8(x + 9) = 144, where x represents the number of cookies you have already baked, and 9 represents the number of cookies you need to bake additionally, you can use inverse operations to solve for x.

First, apply the inverse operation of multiplication by 8. Divide both sides of the equation by 8:
(8(x + 9))/8 = 144/8,
x + 9 = 18.

Next, apply the inverse operation of addition by 9. Subtract 9 from both sides of the equation:
x + 9 - 9 = 18 - 9,
x = 9.

Therefore, the number of cookies you have already baked is 9, and you need to bake an additional 9 cookies (represented by x + 9) to reach your goal of 144 cookies for the bake sale.