Write a real-life situation to fit the following equation. Then, solve the equation in two different ways. Show all the steps. Finally, choose which solution method you liked best and explain your reason. 8(x+9)=144

Real-life situation: Sarah is organizing a charity fundraiser. She needs to determine how many tickets she needs to sell in order to raise $144. Each ticket costs $8.

Solution Method 1:
8(x+9) = 144
8x + 72 = 144
Subtract 72 from both sides:
8x = 72
Divide both sides by 8:
x = 9

Solution Method 2:
8(x+9) = 144
Distribute the 8:
8x + 72 = 144
Subtract 72 from both sides:
8x = 72
Divide both sides by 8:
8x/8 = 72/8
x = 9

Both solution methods give the same solution of x=9.

I prefer Solution Method 2 as it eliminates one step from the process. In Solution Method 1, we subtract 72 from both sides before dividing by 8, whereas in Solution Method 2, we divide directly by 8 after subtracting. This simplifies the calculation and reduces the chance of making a mistake in the process.