The per capita consumption​ (in pounds) of all poultry in a country is approximated by the function C(x) = 2.02x + 96.18​, where x is the number of years since 2001. Find and interpret C(4), and estimate the per capita consumption of all poultry in the country in 2009.

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Part 1
a. Find and interpret ​C(4​).

To find C(4), we simply substitute 4 into the function:

C(4) = 2.02(4) + 96.18
C(4) = 8.08 + 96.18
C(4) = 104.26

Interpretation: C(4) represents the per capita consumption of all poultry in the country 4 years after 2001. In this case, C(4) is equal to 104.26 pounds. This means that the per capita consumption of all poultry in the country, 4 years after 2001, is approximately 104.26 pounds.

give me the direct year

To find the direct year corresponding to C(4), we need to add 4 years to 2001:

2001 + 4 = 2005

Therefore, C(4) represents the per capita consumption of all poultry in the country in the year 2005.

The per capita consumption in 2009 will be


To estimate the per capita consumption of all poultry in the year 2009, we need to find C(x) when x = 2009 - 2001 = 8.

C(8) = 2.02(8) + 96.18
C(8) = 16.16 + 96.18
C(8) = 112.34

Therefore, the estimated per capita consumption of all poultry in the country in the year 2009 is approximately 112.34 pounds.