A carton of eggs has 12 eggs. For the school brunch celebration, Tony, Isabelle, and gino brought cartons of eggs. Altogether, there were 192 eggs. Tony brought 3 cartons and Gino's brought 6 cartons. Write an equation to determine how many cartons of eggs Isabella brought, i.

Let i be the number of cartons of eggs Isabella brought.

The total number of eggs Tony brought is 3 cartons * 12 eggs/carton = <<3*12=36>>36 eggs/carton.
The total number of eggs Gino brought is 6 cartons * 12 eggs/carton = <<6*12=72>>72 eggs/carton.
The total number of eggs Isabella brought is i cartons * 12 eggs/carton = 12i eggs/carton.
The total number of eggs from all three is 36 eggs/carton + 72 eggs/carton + 12i eggs/carton = 192 eggs.
36 + 72 + 12i = 192.
12i = 192 - 36 - 72.
12i = 192 - 108.
12i = 84.
i = 84 / 12.
i = <<84/12=7>>7.
Isabella brought 7 cartons of eggs.