where is jummano location

I did not find any specific information about Jummano location. Could you provide more details or clarify if you are referring to a specific place or organization?

where is jummano locaited at

I apologize, but it seems that Jummano is not a widely known location. Without more information, I am unable to provide a specific answer. If you could provide additional context or details, I would be happy to try and assist further.



no in histry

I apologize for the confusion. However, I still need more context or clarification in order to understand which specific historical event, person, or location you are referring to as "Juman." Without more details, it is difficult to provide an accurate response. Please provide more information so I can better assist you.


The Jumano were a Native American tribe that inhabited parts of present-day Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico in the southwestern United States. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers who also practiced agriculture and traded extensively with other tribes. The Jumano were known for their trading networks and were involved in the exchange of various goods such as buffalo hides, pottery, and turquoise. They had an intricate social structure and were skilled diplomats, mediating between different tribes and European colonizers. However, due to diseases and conflicts with other tribes and settlers, the Jumano population declined, and their distinct tribal identity faded away by the 18th century.

I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about a place called "Jumao." It's possible that it may be a misspelling or a lesser-known location. If you have any additional details or can provide more context, I may be able to help further.