Truist Park is located in Cobb County, about 10 miles Northwest of Atlanta, GA” is an example of(1 point)


Relative Location

Absolute Location


Prime meridian

Relative Location

The statement "Truist Park is located in Cobb County, about 10 miles Northwest of Atlanta, GA" is an example of a Relative Location.

The statement "Truist Park is located in Cobb County, about 10 miles Northwest of Atlanta, GA" is an example of relative location.

Relative location describes the location of a place in relation to other places or landmarks. In this case, Truist Park's location is described by its proximity to Cobb County and the direction from Atlanta.

To determine the absolute location of a place, you would need specific coordinates such as latitude and longitude. In this statement, only the general description of the location is provided, making it a relative location. "Hemispheres" and "prime meridian" are not relevant in this context as they refer to different aspects of the Earth's geography.