885.5 x 10^8 x 2.80 x 10^9 in scientific notation (Show your work)

To calculate this expression in scientific notation, we multiply the numbers together and add the exponents.

885.5 x 10^8 x 2.80 x 10^9

= 885.5 x 2.80 x 10^8 x 10^9

= 2474.4 x 10^8 x 10^9

When multiplying numbers in scientific notation, we add the exponents:

= 2474.4 x 10^(8+9)

= 2474.4 x 10^17

Therefore, 885.5 x 10^8 x 2.80 x 10^9 in scientific notation is 2474.4 x 10^17.