1. Write 0.0000006709 in scientific notation. Show your work.

0.0000006709 in scientific notation is written as 6.709 x 10^-7.

To convert the given number to scientific notation, we count the number of places we move the decimal point to the right until we reach a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we move the decimal point 7 places to the right, resulting in the number 6.709.

To represent this shift in scientific notation, we write 6.709 x 10^-7, where the exponent -7 represents the number of places the decimal point was shifted.

To write the number 0.0000006709 in scientific notation, we need to express it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Starting with the given number, we can move the decimal point 9 places to the right to get 6.709. However, if we move the decimal point 9 places to the right, we need to divide the number by 10^9 to keep its value the same. So, the scientific notation for the given number is:

6.709 × 10^(-9)

To write 0.0000006709 in scientific notation, we need to express it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Since we want a number between 1 and 10, we can move the decimal point to the right until we have a digit in the ones place. As we move the decimal point to the right, the number of times we moved it indicates the power of 10 by which we multiply the number.

Starting with 0.0000006709, we move the decimal point to the right:

0.0000006709 = 0.0000006709 × 10^0

Moving the decimal point 7 places to the right gives us:

0.0000006709 = 6.709 × 10^(-7)

Therefore, 0.0000006709 in scientific notation is 6.709 × 10^(-7).