What does a simple chart look like

A simple chart typically consists of a visual representation of data using basic shapes or lines to convey information.

For example, a simple bar chart consists of a series of vertical bars, where each bar represents a category or variable, and its height reflects the corresponding value or quantity. The x-axis represents the categories or variables, while the y-axis represents the values or quantities.

Similarly, a simple line chart includes a series of data points connected by straight lines, with the x-axis displaying time or categories and the y-axis representing the values or quantities. This type of chart is often used to show trends or changes over time.

A simple pie chart presents data in a circular format, divided into sectors that represent different categories or variables. The size of each sector corresponds to the proportion or percentage it represents in relation to the whole.

These are just a few examples of simple charts, but there are many other types, each with its own characteristics depending on the purpose and complexity of the data being presented.