Russell has been training for the Emerald Valley Race. The first week he trained, he ran 5 days and took the same two routes each day. He ran 2 miles around the football field before school and ran a longer route through his neighborhood after school. By the end of the week, Russell had run a total of 30 miles.

Which equation can Russell use to find how many miles, x, he ran each day after school?
How many miles did Russell run each day after school?
Write your answer as a whole number or a simplified fraction.

Let's assume that Russell ran x miles each day after school. Since he ran for 5 days, the total distance he ran after school is 5x miles.

We are given that Russell ran a total of 30 miles for the week, so we can write the equation:
2 + 5x = 30
To find how many miles Russell ran each day after school, we can solve this equation for x:

5x = 30 - 2
5x = 28
x = 28/5

Since we are asked to write our answer as a whole number or a simplified fraction, we can write x as a fraction:

x = 28/5

Therefore, Russell ran 28/5 miles each day after school.