4. Consider the reasons for banning the book huckle finn in the past and today. What change in social attitude does this point out?

In the past, Huckleberry Finn was often banned due to its use of racial slurs and its portrayal of African American characters. Critics argued that the book perpetuated racist stereotypes and promoted racism. Today, while the book is still occasionally challenged for similar reasons, the main concern is typically based on its inclusion of offensive language and its potential to make readers uncomfortable.

This change in social attitude points out that there has been an increased sensitivity towards issues of race and the importance of representing marginalized communities accurately and respectfully. Society has become more aware of the harm caused by racist stereotypes and offensive language, leading to greater efforts in promoting inclusivity and diversity. The banning of Huckleberry Finn in the past versus the present reflects this shift in values and the ongoing progress towards creating a more equitable society.