What re the shared principles that guide the way of life in a community?

planting rituals
women's work
old tales
cultural values

While there are various shared principles that guide the way of life in a community, some common ones include:

1. Cultural Values: Shared beliefs, norms, and values that shape the behavior and interactions within a community. These values can include concepts like respect, honesty, fairness, and cooperation.

2. Rituals and Traditions: Various ceremonies and rituals that mark important events and milestones within the community. These rituals can include planting rituals, religious ceremonies, cultural festivals, or community gatherings.

3. Oral Traditions: Old tales, stories, and myths passed down through generations, which hold cultural significance and help preserve the community's history and traditions. These tales often contain moral lessons and provide identity and a sense of belonging.

4. Gender Roles and Women's Work: Some communities adhere to specific gender roles and divide tasks and responsibilities based on gender. Women's work, which can vary between different communities, often encompass tasks like childcare, cooking, weaving, or agricultural activities.

5. Ethics and Morality: Communities often develop moral codes and guidelines that regulate behavior and promote harmonious interactions. These ethics can include principles like honesty, fairness, empathy, and accountability.

6. Social Cohesion: Communities aim to foster a sense of belonging and unity among members. Cooperation, mutual support, and the emphasis on communal well-being are essential principles in maintaining social cohesion.

It's important to note that these shared principles can vary significantly across cultures, and not all communities adhere to the same set of values or beliefs. Additionally, the principles guiding a community's way of life can evolve and change over time.