What is a way that technology is being used to protect the natural environment in agriculture?(1 point) Responses Agriculture is becoming less mechanized to prevent excessive changes to the environment. Agriculture is becoming less mechanized to prevent excessive changes to the environment. Chemical technology is being used to increase aquatic plant growth. Chemical technology is being used to increase aquatic plant growth. More land is being used for agriculture to produce more crops to feed the growing world population. More land is being used for agriculture to produce more crops to feed the growing world population. New agricultural chemicals are being used that cause less environmental damage.

bro what stop explaining and just give me the asnwer tf

New agricultural technologies and techniques are being developed to protect the natural environment in agriculture. One example is the use of precision farming techniques, such as GPS and remote sensing technologies, to optimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides. These technologies allow farmers to target specific areas that require treatment, reducing chemical use and minimizing environmental damage.

Additionally, technology is being used to improve water management in agriculture. Smart irrigation systems, for example, utilize sensors and data analytics to deliver water more efficiently to crops, reducing water waste and protecting water resources.

Furthermore, genetic technology is being employed to develop crops that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. This reduces the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers, resulting in less environmental damage.

In summary, technology is being used to minimize environmental damage in agriculture through precision farming techniques, improved water management systems, and the development of genetically enhanced crops.

Sorry for the confusion. The answer is: New agricultural chemicals are being used that cause less environmental damage.