What was the main reason for passing the Embargo Act of 1807 during Thomas Jefferson's time as president?

1- To help make the U.S become more self-reliant and protect its interests.

2- To make it easier to trade with European countries.

3- To create a new way to collect money for government projects.

4- To limit the amount of goods coming from Asia.

The main reason for passing the Embargo Act of 1807 during Thomas Jefferson's time as president was 1- To help make the U.S become more self-reliant and protect its interests.

This person was a Shawnee leader who sought to unite tribes against American expansion. He formed a Confederacy of indigenous people of the Great Lakes region against the European settlers.


1- adams
2- tecumseh
3- jefferson
4- pontiac

The person described here is 2 - Tecumseh.

What was a major effect of Lewis and Clarks expedition?

1- Mapped out the santa fe trail
2- strengthened native american land claims in the louisiana territory
3- encouraged american westward expansion
4- led to the war of 1812

A major effect of Lewis and Clark's expedition was 3- encouraged American westward expansion.