what reason did jefferson give for urging passage of the embargo act?

a) to protect american traders
b) to avoid war over seized ships
c) to increase the power of the republican party
d) to decrease the power of the influence of new england merchants

b) to avoid war over seized ships

in what way did the alien and sedition acts change the authority of the federal government?

the acts limited the amount of power delegated to each branch of government
the acts redefined the powers of the legislative branch
the acts clarified the role of the supreme court
the acts permitted the government to deny citizens' rights in time of war

d) the acts permitted the government to deny citizens' rights in time of war

To determine the reason Jefferson gave for urging passage of the Embargo Act, we can look at historical sources and the context of the time. One way to do this is to consult primary sources, such as Jefferson's own writings or speeches. Another way is to analyze secondary sources, like history books or scholarly articles that discuss the motives behind Jefferson's support for the Embargo Act.

In this case, the correct reason given by Jefferson for urging the passage of the Embargo Act was:

b) to avoid war over seized ships

Jefferson saw the Embargo Act as a way to avoid the escalating tensions between the United States and Britain, primarily over the issue of impressment (forced seizure of American sailors into British service) and the seizure of American ships. The act aimed to pressure both Britain and France, as they were engaged in the Napoleonic Wars, by cutting off American trade with both nations. Jefferson believed that by doing so, he could protect American neutrality and preserve peace.

It is important to note that while this is historically accurate, the context and motives surrounding historical events can often be complex and multifaceted. Different historians may offer varying interpretations of the motivations behind the Embargo Act. Therefore, it is beneficial to consult multiple sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding.