Label each level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and provide an example

1. Physiological Needs: These are the basic necessities required for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and sleep. For example, a person who is starving and without a home is primarily focused on satisfying their physiological needs to survive.

2. Safety Needs: Once physiological needs are met, individuals seek security and safety. This includes protection from physical harm, financial stability, and a stable environment. An example could be someone who lives in a dangerous neighborhood and works multiple jobs to save money and move to a safer area.

3. Love and Belonging: This level involves the need for social interactions, love, and a sense of belonging. It includes forming relationships, being part of a family, friendships, and feeling accepted. An example could be someone who joins a sports club to be part of a team and build connections.

4. Esteem Needs: After fulfilling the need for belonging, individuals strive for a positive self-image, self-respect, and the recognition of others. This includes accomplishments, status, and feeling confident. An example could be someone who seeks recognition and validation through receiving awards for their work.

5. Self-Actualization: The highest level refers to the need for personal growth, reaching one's full potential, and self-fulfillment. This includes pursuing personal interests, developing new skills, and achieving personal goals. An example could be someone who dedicates their life to a specific passion, such as becoming a successful artist, and continually striving to improve and create meaningful work.