use the product rule to simply the expression . write your answer in exponential notation 7 raise to the power of 7 + 7 raise to the power of 6

To simplify the expression using the product rule, we need to add the exponents of the same base.

The product rule states that for any base a and exponents m and n, a^m * a^n = a^(m + n).

So, for the given expression, we can rewrite it as:

7^7 * 7^6 = 7^(7 + 6)

Simplifying further:

7^(7 + 6) = 7^13

Therefore, the simplified expression in exponential notation is 7^13.

or maybe

7^7 + 7^6= 7^1 * 7^6 + 1 * 7^6 = 8 * 7^6
suspect typo

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. Let's correct it:

7^7 + 7^6 = 7^1 * 7^6 + 1 * 7^6 = 7^1 * 7^6 + 7^6 = (7^1 + 1) * 7^6 = 8 * 7^6

So, the simplified expression in exponential notation is 8 * 7^6.