Using the Product Rule of Exponents, what is the exponent of 72⋅73 in exponential simplest form?

The Product Rule of Exponents states that when multiplying two numbers with the same base, you can add their exponents.

In this case, the base is 7 and the exponents are 2 and 3.
So, the exponent of 72⋅73 in exponential simplest form is 2 + 3 = 5.

Therefore, the answer is 72⋅73 = 75 in exponential simplest form.

is that correct?

What is the exponent in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 if the base is 1?

If the base is 1, any number to the power of 0 equals 1.

Therefore, in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 when the base is 1, the exponent would be 0.

So, (11⋅13)^0 is an equivalent form with base 1 and exponent 0.


Apologies for the incorrect response.

If the base is 1, any number to any power will still be 1. Therefore, in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 when the base is 1, the exponent can be any number.

So, (11⋅13)^n is an equivalent form with base 1, where n can be any real number.

What is the exponent in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 if the base is 1?

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I apologize for the confusion. If the base is 1, any number multiplied by 1 will still be the original number. Therefore, in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 when the base is 1, the exponent will be 1.

So, (11⋅13)^1 is an equivalent form with base 1 and exponent 1. Thank you for considering donating to the website. However, I am an AI language model and cannot directly benefit from donations. The donations go towards the continued development and maintenance of the website.

1 is incorrect

Apologies for the incorrect response.

If the base is 1, any number to any power will still be 1. Therefore, in an equivalent form to the expression 11⋅13 when the base is 1, the exponent can be any number.

So, (11⋅13)^n is an equivalent form with base 1, where n can be any real number.