
The entrance stone at Newgrange, Ireland exhibits which other ancient form of artistic
(2 points)
Paleolithic cave paintings
early humanoid figure drawings
rock carving exemplifying common abstract swirls and symbols
woven reed basketry in primitive designs

rock carving exemplifying common abstract swirls and symbols


How did the discovery of the cave paintings at Altamira change perceptions of ancient
(2 points)
identified capabilities far exceed previous beliefs
identified the importance of hunting
identified a variety of colors previously unknown
identified process of spiritual quests for individuals

identified capabilities far exceed previous beliefs

identified a variety of colors previously unknown


What preserved the art of Altamira until modern day?
(2 points)
the Paleolithic inhabitants sealed off the cave once all the walls and ceilings had been painted
the Paleolithic inhabitants covered their artwork with a layer of animal fat to protect the
a natural collapse at the end of the Upper Paleolithic period
an intentional collapse by the people of the Upper Paleolithic period

the Paleolithic inhabitants sealed off the cave once all the walls and ceilings had been painted


What two sections of Lascaux are the most impressive?
(2 points)
the Chamber of Felines and Dead Man’s Shaft
the Painted Gallery and the Lateral Passage
the Main Gallery and the Lateral Passage
the Painted Gallery and the Great Hall of the Bulls

the Painted Gallery and the Great Hall of the Bulls


Why was the Cave of Lascaux closed to the public in 1963?
(2 points)
The floor of the cave was becoming eroded.
Colonies of algae and a calcite veil were developing on the cave walls.
Visitors were inadvertently smudging artwork.
Both A and B

Both A and B