The Paleolithic Period is also called the _______________. (1 point) Responses Old Stone Age Old Stone Age Stone Age Stone Age New Stone Age New Stone Age Age of Stone Age of Stone

Old Stone Age

The Paleolithic Period is also called the Old Stone Age. To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the options given. The question asks for an alternate name for the Paleolithic Period. We have three options to choose from: Old Stone Age, Stone Age, and New Stone Age. To determine the correct answer, let's evaluate each option:

1. Old Stone Age: This option aligns with the question prompt. It suggests that the Paleolithic Period is indeed referred to as the Old Stone Age.
2. Stone Age: While this term is often used to encompass both the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, it does not specifically refer to the Paleolithic Period alone.
3. New Stone Age: This term instead refers to the Neolithic Period, which comes after the Paleolithic Period.

Considering the analysis, the correct answer is Old Stone Age.

The correct answer is "Old Stone Age."