Using the infographic, identify why Congress may have been divided on declaring war on Britain Congress didn't think that the British were really kidnapping sailors • Britain refused to recognize America's independence I They relied on British shipping The War Hawks*were in favor but did not make up all of Congress • They didn't think the US military could compete with the British military

The infographic highlights several reasons why Congress may have been divided on declaring war on Britain:

1. Congress didn't think that the British were really kidnapping sailors: This suggests that some members of Congress may have questioned the extent or validity of British actions, leading to a lack of consensus on declaring war.

2. Britain refused to recognize America's independence (highlighted by the symbol 'I' in the infographic): This indicates that the British refusal to acknowledge America's independence might have played a role in dividing opinions within Congress.

3. They relied on British shipping: The infographic suggests that some members of Congress might have been reluctant to declare war due to the American reliance on British shipping, which could have economic implications.

4. The War Hawks were in favor but did not make up all of Congress: This suggests that while certain individuals or factions (the War Hawks) supported declaring war, their viewpoints did not represent the unanimous perspective of Congress.

5. They didn't think the US military could compete with the British military: This indicates that doubts about the military capabilities of the United States in comparison to the British military might have influenced the division within Congress on declaring war.

So which one is it

It could be a combination of all the mentioned factors. The infographic presents multiple reasons that could have contributed to the division within Congress regarding declaring war on Britain. It is likely that different members of Congress had different concerns and viewpoints, leading to a lack of consensus on the issue.

Is it Congress didn't think that the British were really kidnapping sailors • Britain refused to recognize America's independence

Yes, based on the information provided in the infographic, Congress's doubts regarding the British kidnapping of sailors and Britain's refusal to recognize America's independence could be considered as key factors contributing to the division within Congress.