Based on the information in the chart, why might Congress have been divided about declaring war on Britain?

(1 point)

Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.

Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.

The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.
The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.

Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true

Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true.

From the information in the chart, one reason Congress might have been divided about declaring war on Britain is that some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about Native American attacks were true. This suggests that they may have doubted the need for war and were hesitant to vote in favor of it.

To determine why Congress might have been divided about declaring war on Britain, we can examine the information provided in the chart. Here are the steps to analyze the chart:

1. Look for relevant information: Read through the chart and identify any information that might be related to Congress's division on declaring war on Britain.

2. Identify possible reasons: Based on the information, consider the different factors that might have influenced Congress's division. In this case, we have four options to evaluate:

- Southern representatives were less concerned about British interference in American shipping.
- Members of Congress did not believe the American military could compete with the British military.
- The War Hawks had more supporters in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.
- Some representatives were not convinced that the rumors about the Native American attacks were true.

3. Analyze the options: Consider each option and its potential impact on Congress's division. Evaluate the reasons based on the chart data and determine which reasons might have contributed to the division.

4. Provide the most supported answer: After analyzing the options, determine the reason that is best supported by the information in the chart. This would be the answer to the question, "Why might Congress have been divided about declaring war on Britain?"

By following these steps, you can arrive at the most logical and accurate answer based on the information provided.