Describe the specific attributes of a prism.(1 point) Responses A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet. A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet. A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.

A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.
A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.
A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.
A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.

A prism is a three-dimensional figure that has height, length, and width. It is characterized by having parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces. This means that the top and bottom faces of a prism are congruent and parallel to each other, and the lateral faces are also congruent and parallel to each other. Therefore, a prism can be visualized as a solid object with two identical polygonal bases and rectangular or parallelogram-shaped sides connecting the corresponding vertices of the bases. The term "prism" typically refers to the top or bottom face of this solid object.


A prism is a three-dimensional figure that has height, length, and width. It is characterized by having parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces. This means that the top and bottom faces of a prism are congruent and parallel to each other, and the lateral faces are also congruent and parallel to each other. Therefore, a prism can be visualized as a solid object with two identical polygonal bases and rectangular or parallelogram-shaped sides connecting the corresponding vertices of the bases. The term "prism" typically refers to the entire solid object, not just the bases.

Describe the specific attributes of a prism.(1 point) Responses

A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet.

A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet.

A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.

A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.

A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.

A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.

The correct response is: A prism is a three-dimensional figure that has height, length, and width. It has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces. A prism is not a point where line segments meet, but a solid object with specific attributes.

Describe the specific attributes of a prism.(1 point) Responses

A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet.

A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.

A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.

A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.

The specific attributes of a prism are:

- A prism is a three-dimensional figure that has height, length, and width.
- It has parallel identical bases, meaning that the top and bottom faces of a prism are congruent and parallel to each other.
- It also has identical lateral faces, which are the sides of the prism connecting the corresponding vertices of the bases.
- A prism is not a point where two or more line segments meet, instead, it is a solid object with defined dimensions and shape.

give answer based on answer choices given

Based on the given answer choices, the specific attributes of a prism are as follows:

- A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.
- A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.
- A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous responses.

one answer