What are some interesting facts about the topic to hook the listeners?

1. Did you know that the human brain contains about 86 billion neurons? That's more than double the number of stars in the Milky Way!

2. Throughout a person's lifetime, the brain generates more electrical impulses than all the mobile devices on Earth combined.

3. Have you ever wondered why yawning is contagious? Recent research suggests that it might be an evolutionary way of synchronizing brain activity and fostering group cohesion.

4. The brain is incredibly energy-hungry, accounting for roughly 20% of the body's total energy consumption, despite representing only 2% of its weight.

5. Contrary to popular belief, we use more than 10% of our brains on a daily basis. In fact, brain scans have shown that even during light activities, such as resting or sleeping, nearly the entire brain is active.

6. Our brains are intrinsically social. Studies have found that the same areas of the brain light up when a person experiences social rejection as when they experience physical pain.

7. Although the brain represents a fraction of our body mass, it has the highest oxygen consumption rate, receiving approximately 20% of the total oxygen supply.

8. The brain is constantly changing and rewiring itself. It's capable of forming new connections, strengthening existing ones, and even rewiring around damaged areas, which is known as neuroplasticity.

9. Do you know about "phantom limb" syndrome? It is a phenomenon where amputees continue to feel sensations in their missing limbs. This occurs because the brain still perceives the limb as if it were present, showcasing the brain's incredible adaptability.

10. If all the neurons in your brain were lined up, they would stretch for approximately 600 miles. That's roughly the distance from New York City to Detroit!

These intriguing facts about the brain should surely hook listeners and pique their curiosity to explore more about this fascinating topic.